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Meet the Team

Tracy Kang

Tracy writes and translates news and articles.  She produces special illustration for WeChat and mobile app. She also coordinates and monitors reader comments.  She also assists with advertising and other enquiries.

Tracy Kang

BA Hons Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies (Auckland)

BA History and Sociology (Auckland)

David Soh

David has been the owner publisher of Mandarin Pages for 31 years. He remains passionate and continues to innovate the business.

He knows the Chinese community and market well and is happy to assist you with your marketing and promotion in print and online.

David Soh

B Sc Computer Science, Guelph

PG Dip Marketing, Auckland

PG Dip Translation Studies, Auckland

Janet Goh

Janet writes and translates  news and articles for online and print media.  She produces special illustration for WeChat and mobile app. She also assists with Google adword, and other marketing and promotion. She also assists with advertising and other enquiries.

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Janet Goh

Janet writes and translates  news and articles for online and print media.  She produces special illustration for WeChat and mobile app. She also assists with Google adword, and other marketing and promotion. She also assists with advertising and other enquiries.


David Soh
B Sc Computer Science, Guelph
PG Dip Marketing, Auckland
PG Dip Translation Studies, Auckland

David has been the owner publisher of Mandarin Pages for 31 years. He remains passionate and continues to innovate the business.

He knows the Chinese community and market well and is happy to assist you with your marketing and promotion in print and online.


Tracy Kang
BA Hons Auckland

Tracy writes and translates news and articles.  She produces special illustration for WeChat and mobile app. She also coordinates and monitors reader comments.  She also assists with advertising and other enquiries.

Mandarin Pages

518 Dominion Road

Mt Eden






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